At Redpack we are committed to doing more with less by creating high-performing, efficient machines and technologies that use fewer resources. We are in the business of manufacturing, and we are mindful that we must address the environmental impacts of our products and our operations, encouraging our suppliers to do the same.
In constant pursuit of our sustainability goals, and further reducing our carbon footprint, we have recently commissioned a significant solar PV installation at our UK manufacturing site in Bowthorpe, Norwich.
Redpack has increased the fleet of electric vehicles and targeted 2026 to have them in all areas of the business including company, sales team and service vans too. In addition, we have segregated all waste streams to improve reduction, recycling and reusing with our service provider sending zero waste to landfill.
Despite our increasing order book for new Flow Wrap machines, we are actually reducing the amount of grid energy we consume by including the solar PV installation. The system is expected to save 67 tonnes of carbon each year, equivalent to over 2,000 trees per year*.
The facts and data behind the above statement are:
- A conservative figure for carbon offsetting from trees in the UK is 30 kg / tree per year
- Our installation is expected to save 67,207 kg / year of CO2 (Carbon) therefore 67,000 / 30 = 2,233, so in 1 year it would take 2,233 trees to consume 67 tonnes of carbon