Packaging costs!?

Jul 24 2021
Reducing Packaging Waste Through Smart Innovation

We all know that supermarkets can not completely eliminate packaging, but we also  know that to help reduce the amount of packaging waste and being smarter on the type of packaging used certainly helps contribute to the reduction of plastic waste that can be harmful to the environment.

Millions of tons of Polypropylene film are used to package products every year. When it comes to food, especially fresh fruit or vegetables, in many instances a plastic tray or punnet  is required to hold the product. If even a fraction of a gram of packaging material in each package can be saved. the overall effect provides sizable benefits for the environment. Less packaging also results in lower packaging costs which in turn means higher profit margins for the manufacturer. We need to be smarter in the way we package our products and that is why Redpack are striving to help reduce the amount of packaging waste that is hitting our planet.

There are three ways that Redpack are tackling this global issue. Firstly, we are by working with innovative, forward thinking film companies by carrying out trails on some of the latest compostable and biodegradable films. Secondly, there is so much food that is currently packaged in plastic punnets and then wrapped in plastic. These plastic trays and punnets can be swapped for biodegradable ones of course, but  in some cases the punnet can be eliminated completely, saving a massive 75% in the amount of packaging used. Thirdly, Redpack are working with major food manufacturers in helping reduce the amount of film waste that is wrapped around a product by making the pack as tight as possible.

For example,  through innovation, research and development, Redpack recently helped a customer reduce the pack size for one of their major product lines by over 30% per pack without compromising the contents.

This not only saved the customer money but also reduces the amount of packaging waste that could harm the environment. At Redpack we pride ourselves on innovation and have been  leading the way in “Trayless” flow wrapping development. Over the last 18 months over 80% of Redpacks machine production has been for wrapping product without trays.